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Saturday 18 February 2012

Tips to Avoid Stitches During Childbirth.

    1. Firstly believe in your body and its amazing ability to birth your child, educate and empower yourself months before labour. Choose carefully where you want to have your baby, there is no right or wrong answer just where ever YOU feel most safe.  Hiring a Doula is a great way to be sure you feel safe during your labour, a doula is a woman who has attended many births and had natural births of her own she is not medically trained but her presence makes the mother feel safe and cared for. 
    2. Be sure that your chosen place allows you to move freely, that you’ll not be strapped to a bed or made to do anything that will upset your flow in labour e.g. some midwives will encourage you to move into a position that allows for them to better see your vagina and the emerging baby, this may not be the right position for you. If you want to avoid stitches I strongly recommend going for a natural birth as a managed birth with epidural makes it extremely difficult to push out your baby, put simply you wont feel the urge to push or be allowed to change position. Births take different amounts of time, don't allow anyone to rush you or tell you that you need a forceps or ventuse delivery because you’ve already been pushing for an hour. UNLESS your baby or you are in distress there is no need to hurry you up at all.
    3. There are many types of pain relief that can be used that wont interfere with the urge to push from the birth pool to injections, ask your midwife what they can offer you.
    4. Before labour during the last trimester spend a lot of time in sujud  for non Muslim’s sujud is the a position of the Islamic prayer when the head is placed on the floor so that forehead and nose touch it as well as knees and toes and hands.It helps the baby get into the best position for labour and can even encourage a breech baby to turn.If you cant manage that position for long due to heart burn or other symptoms try getting on hands and knees, scrub the floor, watch TV anything, also walk as much as you can and practice squatting for a few minutes at a time everyday, you can do so holding on to a bar like your towel bar or the kitchen counter.
    5. Some people like to massage the perineum with oil like olive or evening primrose oil to help it to stretch, I would say its a better idea to include essential oils in your diet like avocado and olive oils to make your skin stretch from the inside. Drinking raspberry leaf tea during the last trimester 2 cups a day from 36 weeks will make the second stage quicker and easier as it tones the uterus thus making each contraction more productive.
    6. Practice deep relaxation during pregnancy and during labour to relax the whole body there is truth in the way some women teach "imagine your cervix is opening like a flower".
    7.  You have to realize that this pain isn't a bad pain every since contraction is the strength of your body bringing baby closer.When you feel the uncontrollable urge to push in the second stage of labour get into whatever position feels right for you.Squatting or on hands and knees or the birthing chair are all good.Allowing baby the space to turn in your pelvis, babies come out like a corkscrew laying on your back  makes the space smaller so very much slows labour down, standing holding on to some one (hubby) is good.
So yeah theres my tips for preventing tearing in labour. I am not medically trained and I do not in anyway take responsibility for you should you use my tips.I am however a doula and have attended many women who have had natural births without stitches, also a mother of four all born without stitches!